How to Manage your Sleep while taking care of Babies

Being parents is a hard enough job without having good relaxing sleep. It's called sleep deprivation.  

Most parents find that they have to survive on less sleep. 

The glorious day when the baby sleeps right through the night can never come too soon. 

Babies who nap through the day and then cry at night wreak havoc with their parents' sleeping patterns. 

Strategies to try to cope with babies and sleeping habits.

  • If you are able to, it's a good idea to sleep when the baby does. 
  • Unplug the phone, put a do not disturb sign on the door, and snooze along with junior.
  • At nighttime, a warm bath can help to make the baby sleepy, so time bath time just before putting the baby down.
  • Babies and sleeping routines are important, so bedtime needs to be about the same time every night, but don't be a slave to it.

  • Sometimes, the baby wakes up crying for no apparent reason. They are dry, just been fed and you can't think what could be wrong. 
  • At other times, the reason may be that they are teething or have colic. 
  • If you have exhausted all possibilities, they may be satisfied with a hug. 
  • Unfortunately, babies and sleeping don't always go together.
  • Babies need a quiet environment and not be cold or too warm. There are things that may calm them if they are anxious, such as singing Rythemic relaxing music. 
  •  As a last resort in solving the babies sleeping problems, some parents take the baby out to get open air. 
  •  The baby falls asleep and then is carried gingerly to bed.
  •  Some babies will not fall asleep in their cot at any time and parents have to wait for them to nod off wherever they happen to be and then carry them to bed.

Teething and illnesses make the problem worse. 

  • Make sure that you have something from the doctor to rub on to sore gums when those teeth start to push through. 
  • Colic often interrupts babies and sleeping through. There are medicines to give for this too.
  • If you are despairing parents with a wakeful child, just remember that it won't always be like this. 
  • With Time passes it's worth watching your baby Smile & Cry. 

Stay Tuned to the Life in front of you smiling!