Guides to manage Pregnancy and Celiac Disease

 If you have celiac disease and are well controlled because you stick rigidly to a gluten-free diet, you are as likely as anyone who has not got celiac disease to have a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Those who have celiac disease and who do not have a completely gluten-free diet have an increased risk of problems for themselves and their baby.  

Pregnancy is demanding on the body; the mother not only needs a good supply of all the necessary nutrients to keep her healthy but also to support the development of the baby.  To do this she will need to eat a good, balanced gluten-free diet.  Foods rich in folic acid, iron, and calcium are particularly important.

General Principles that you can follow to manage Pregnancy and Celiac Disease

Your diet should be as healthy as possible.  

Try and eat 4 to 5 different varieties of vegetables and fruits every day.  

Eat food naturally rich in calcium: milk, cheese, yogurts, etc.  Commercially produced gluten-free flours and mixes are often enriched with calcium. It is a good idea to use skimmed or semi-skimmed milk and low-fat yogurts and cheese so you can keep the fat content down.  

Avoid unpasteurized milk and soft cheese or mold-ripened cheeses as they can carry bacteria.

Eat food rich in the mineral iron, it can be found in lean red meat, eggs, and fish – particularly the fish rich in natural oil – herring, mackerel, and salmon.  

Soya, tofu, sunflower seeds, green leafy vegetables, lentils, beans, watermelon, and blackstrap molasses are also rich sources of iron.

Avoid uncooked eggs or partially cooked eggs 

Eat plenty of roughage, as constipation is a common problem during pregnancy. Gluten-free foods which have high levels of fiber include brown rice, buckwheat, potatoes – particularly the skin, peas, corn, lentils, millet, seeds such as sunflower or linseeds, vegetables, and fruit, and dried fruits such as figs and dates.  Drinking plenty of fluids will also help.  A glass of hot water with a twist of lemon juice first thing in the morning can work well.

It is important for all prospective mums that they take proper care of themselves prior to becoming pregnant.

The benefits of eating foods rich in folic acid for three months before becoming pregnant and during pregnancy, particularly in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is well documented.  

It helps prevent conditions such as Spina Bifida.  Folic Acid supplements are easily available from the pharmacist or health food shop.  Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables, which are naturally rich in folic acid.

Avoid Smoking and Alcohol is the best way to control complications during pregnancy

Finally, once your baby is born it is advisable to wait until the baby is between 4 and 6 months old before introducing grains like rice and wheat to their diet.  

There is no advantage in waiting any longer than 6 months.